1920’s Travel and Faces

On board

By this new blog post, I just want to share a few post cards collected by my grand parents during one of their travels. Come with me for this huge step backwards to the early 1920’s.

My grand parents, Marie and Melchior

They were accustomed, at the time, to get some fresh air in France, Auvergne region (south-west of the country), this can be understandable as they lived in Mauritius Island at the time, where the climate is typically tropical.

There were no planes… only, ships travelling from the island to France, most of the time to Marseilles. At least 5 to 6 weeks, may be even more, on board these ships with various stops in different harbors along the east coast of Africa. I bet there was no common point with these actual cruise ships, which are more like floating towns.

SS “Nera”, Messageries Maritimes company

Ship entering the Suez Canal, this canal, in Egypt, links the upper part of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea

Therefore, get your luggage ready and come with me in this flash back 90 years ago !

These old post cards are more orientated towards the human side of the travel, human being is my favorite topic, as some of you may have noticed.



Girl carrying milk ~Young couple

Young lovers

Sedan chair ~ Milk cart

Traditional costume for kids ~ Girl playing hurdy-gurdy

On a windy day ~ Have a look at the hat

Love and some wine ...

Love and some wine …

9 comments on “1920’s Travel and Faces

  1. Même si nous n’avons pas connu cette période de vie, nous rêvons encore de ce qui se passait à cette époque. Les photos des ancêtres, voilà un trésor. trésor aussi qu’est la généa logie familiale.
    Bisous Louisie.
    A bientôt.
    Le cousin Gervais.

  2. Lynne Eldridge says:

    Great pictures, Louise. Thanks for sharing. Especially liked the footwear!

    • Louise says:

      These are special souvenirs for me, Lynne… I was very young when they passed away, but I still have them in my heart. Thank you for your compliment and your visit.

  3. seriojenka says:

    Peux-tu poursuivre cette belle histoire familiale ? Serge Pokrovsky

  4. seriojenka says:

    Louisie, “avec mes doigts roses”! je te pianote my reply.
    Je devine les premiers pas de tes futurs écrits en consultant ces quelques “pages”.
    Un très bon début… J’attends la suite!
    Curieusement tes ancêtres ont trouvé pour se ressourcer en France la belle région
    auvergnate que j’affectionne tant. Martine Tournan Tronquoy

  5. Lauren Dunlop Humphrey says:

    Dear Louise

    This looks fantastic and very interesting.

    Please forgive me for not responding sooner, but I’ve quite a lot on right now as someone has asked me to make a cake for them and I’m still trying to work out how to do it!

    But once that is over, I’ll carefully read through this new blog and respond.

    Thank you so much for your beautiful Christmas card.

    Love & Best Wishes – Lauren

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